The pole in this image has 10 feet above ground and 3 feet below ground, but the height can be varied to suit your need.
Someone asked if this would bend in the wind. Not a chance. I strength-tested the prototype by pounding on it with a wooden 2 by 4. I pounded until the 2 inch by 4 inch 8 foot long lumber broke. No visible mark was left on the peace pole.
Translations Placement
The text for this peace pole would be set in the ground, perhaps etched in bricks or pavers or on slabs of granite radiating out like below.
It also would be possible for the text to be set in pavers in a path leading to the peace pole. Each paver could hold one word of the phrase with the final paver in each string identifying which language that translation is in.
Or the translations could be set in stepping stones. Or all of the above creating different paths leading to peace.
Because of how difficult and time-consuming this peace pole is to make, the peace pole itself is $20,000. The landscaping is separate.
The prototype, which is a full size installation, was developed more than 25 years ago. Back then I spent 9 months working full time working my way through the series of prototypes that determined the right thickness of the right material and honed my technique to produce the final one. When it was done, I gave it to a relative so I could watch it for a few years to see how it held up in the weather. I hadn’t planned to watch it for 25 years, but I had moved on to making other sculptures. It now is near Washington D.C. where they tell me that everyone who comes to their house stops to talk about it. It has held up fine. And since it has continued to generate that much attention, I made another and put it outside of my art studio downtown. It brings people in and helps give them faith in my ability to work on sculpture for them.